Friday, October 2, 2015

The old new conceptual space

The Old New Conceptual Space



Benfey, Christopher. "The Wonder-Wounded Harold Bloom." The New York Review of Books (October 8, 2015):36-37 ----review of Bloom's The Daemon Knows: Literary Greatness and the American Sublime

Pound, Scott.  "Kenneth Goldsmith and the Poetics of Information." PMLA 130.2 (2015): 315-330. Scott argues that "Goldsmith's indifference to literary culture yields a method for generating texts that is as instructive as it is shocking because it requires us to face the strange prospect of a literature that chooses information culture over literary culture as its ground" (Abstracts 528)


Probable Outcome

You might become post-intelligently  sublime and indifferent.


Jerry W. Ward, Jr.

October 2, 2015