Monday, September 2, 2013

Reading for September

Recommended Reading for September 2013


Achebe, Chinua.  Chike and the River.  New York: Anchor Books, 2011.


Alexie, Sherman.  War Dances.  New York: Grove Press, 2009.


Beckham, Barry.  My Main Mother.  New York: Signet, 1969.

____________. Runner Mack.  New York: Popular Library, 1972.

____________. Double Dunk. Los Angeles: Holloway House, 1980.


Braxton, Charlie R.  Cinders Rekindled.  Jackson, MS: Jawara Press, 2012.


Brinks, Dave. The Secret Brain: Selected Poems 1995-2012.  Boston: Black Widow Press, 2012.


Cherry, James E.  Loose Change.  Nacogdoches, TX:  Stephen F. Austin State University Press, 2013.


Johnson, T. Geronimo. Hold It ‘Til It Hurts.  Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 2012.


Kennedy, Adrienne. Deadly Triplets: A Theatre Mystery and Journal.  Minneapolis: University of

               Minnesota Press, 1990.


Lewis, Thabiti.  Ballers of the New School: Race and Sports in America. Chicago: Third World Press, 2010.


Mullen, Harryette. The Cracks Between What We Are and What We Are Supposed to Be.

             Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2012.


Nielsen, A. L. A Brand New Beggar.  Boulder: Steerage Press, 2013.


Osbey, Brenda Marie.  History and Other Poems.  St. Louis: Time Being Books, 2012.


Pavlić, Ed. Visiting Hours at the Color Line.  Minneapolis: Milkweed, 2013.


Plumpp, Sterling D. Home/Bass.  Chicago: Third World Press, 2013.


Redmond, Eugene B.  Arkansippi Memwars: Poetry, Prose & Chants 1962-2012. Chicago: Third World      

Press, 2013.


Salam, Kiini ibura.  Ancient, Ancient. Seattle: Aqueduct Press, 2012.


Walker, Frank X. Turn Me Loose: The Unghosting of Medgar Evers.  Athens: U of Georgia P, 2013.



       Jerry W. Ward, Jr.       September 2, 2013

A Gift from Howard Rambsy II